Check back for starting competitor info and track progress along the way.
Good luck in this journey.

The first Challenge of the year. 90 day challenge to eat clean, exercise, stay healthy and enjoy life!!! Postings of goals, recipes, experiences, and results!
ReplyDeleteThe diet rockstars are killing me!!!
ReplyDeleteWho wants me to list their stats and pics on the blog so we can all follow? Let me know!
ha ha ha...don't all jump at once at your chance to have your "before" picture posted.
ReplyDeleteRecipes and such :-) I want bread and chocolate so badly I want to die :) Love ya!
Oh and if you wanna put my stats, pics and stuff on the blog that totally fine with me :)
I'll volunteer to list my stats and pics.
ReplyDeleteMy goals in this challenge are to:
1)Maintain my weight
2)improve my overall nutrition and knowledge of nutrition
3)Improve my athletic performane in all aspects of Crossfit
4)Help others in their journey through Paleo and Crossfit
Once again Chandler, your the MAN!!! I will post all my stuff as well. Come on Lynn think of the bikini body you will have at the end of this!
ReplyDeleteThe extrinsic motivation that has helped me immensely is the camaraderie at the gym. I joke that Battle Born CF is like "Cheers" to me where everybody knows your name. To come in and see familiar faces and know that we're all in this together for the same general goals and supporting each other helps me come in when I don't feel like it. I know that I'll see familiar faces and that I'll help them keep going or they'll help me keep going and that is what it's all about for me right now. So thank you all!!
ReplyDeleteIntrinsically, I decided in February that I would use all my business trip travel and downtime to do some serious soul searching and try to identify my roadblocks to working out and eating right and identify and set my goals. So, like the nerd that I am I researched goal setting, goal theory and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The goal methodology that most appealed to me was originally a project management tool called S.M.A.R.T and it loosely stands for "Smart, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-bound". During the trip I made one SMART goal and I started it on 2/17(the day after I returned).
Here is my SMART GOAL #1
S: feel comfortable in my cute little surfer shorts and a halter
M: lose 1.5 inches in the waist
A: Crossfit Mon, Wed, Fri & Treadmill Sat & Under 1400 calories a day
R: yes
T: between 2/17 and 3/13(going to Hawaii)
We started the Paleo challenge mid-way through my SG#1, but luckily the Action items were already in place. My progress on this goal seems to be on track. I have maintained the "Action-Oriented" piece which is that I would work out at least 4 times a week and I would have under 1400 calories(I will tweak this for the Paleo challenge). Since 2/17 all of my jeans are fitting looser and I went one belt notch tighter. I don't feel amazing in my little surfer trunks and halter, but I don't feel disgusting anymore either and that is a huge step. I think that having this SMART goal helped me focus, helped me believe it was attainable, helped me keep my contract with myself of what Action I was going to take; all wrapped up in one neat package.
Lynn you are a true rockstar! So glad that you are meeting your goals and sticking with your plan!
ReplyDeleteMy goals:
ReplyDeleteRight now my weight is 114 and my measurements are:
Chest 35
Waist 26 1/2
Hips 35 1/2
I want to lose at least 2-3 inches from my waist and hips (maybe just shift it to my chest :-))
The weight I'm not too concerned about but I would like for more of it to be lean muscle and less of it to be fat.
I have been trying to hit at least 3 or 4 WOD's a week - my new goal is to hit at least 5 if not 6 with one day or rest. I want this challenge, more than anything else, to improve my overall health, fitness and awareness about what I eat and how much.
So far, I miss bread and diet rockstars, but I will live :)
Good luck and great job to everyone who has stepped up to the challenge!
Z Pizza (on Caughlin Parkway) has gluten free pizza crust :-) and it tastes pretty good!
ReplyDeleteI have been struggling with my addictions to sugar, carbs, and coffee...especially this first week!
ReplyDeleteMy goal for this challenge is to lose around 20-30lbs by May 15th. I have a HUGE horse show that weekend and I really just want to look as good as I can by then!
I can't wait to see the end results!!
I am so glad to be a part of such a supportive, motivational, and insirational group! You guys are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI really like the SMART goal setting plan. Thank you for sharing it!
OK, so I am strict paleo, have been for a while, but always had Jason to "cheat" off of, a sip of soda here, a fry there - no big deal. Well, this time not the plan.
ReplyDeleteSince I can not do the games this year, (which trully does bug me, but I am focusing on the business and that is WAY more important than the games).
I have decided that I am going to do the figure competition in June though, so with that said my goal is to not only attain a great physique, but to find the perfect weight and trainig "size" for optimal performance. I will do the CrossFit endurance program a few times a week, along with our WOD's and SST strength training.
My diet will be a Paleo/Zone based diet - no bad carbs of course, the Zone portion will be my fat and protein grams only. I still struggle with the high amount of good fat, but that is the body builder coming out not the CrossFitter I am. :-)
For competition I want to loose about 10 lbs, and a few more the day leading up to the show due to water weight. After the show, of course I want to only gain back a few lbs. after my natural water weight is back so, a total loss of about 8 lbs threw the Paleo/Zone diet. With normal mode, I want the more shredded look, but still maintainable with our 3 on 1 off philosphy. If the weight loss is more, for normal mode - sweet, but my body pretty much likes to maintain 168-170lbs post paleo - so I think with paleo I should be able to hit 162lbs and be great right there. For competition, I should weigh in at about 152-155lbs (to lean I have pics to prove that one).
So, anyway there is my comments and post as to what I hope to attain from our Paleo challenge. The challenge ends a few weeks before my competition, so you will get to see how I do.
I really just want to step up on that stage, WOW the shit out of everyone, and walk off in my CrossFit t-shirt and say "In your face, with all your hours of training and unhealthy life style! Look what CrossFit has done for me!"
I didn't really pay attention to inches, but if I were to loose a few, it would be off my hips and butt of course. :-)
Hunny you are gorgeous no matter what - and don't need to change a thing to show up the 1/4 turn to the right biznitches :) Love you!
ReplyDeleteOh and - I totally cheated on Paleo - but I'm still hitting all the WOD's I wanted to in a week and I'm eating a lot healthier than I used to.
You guys are all much stronger than I am, because I saw a latte and went - oh why not :)
Keep up the great work everyone!
Now that my SMART GOAL #1 is done (Hawaii was awesome), it's time for my next goal.
ReplyDeleteSMART GOAL #2
S: Be trimmer for Best Friend's wedding
M: Fit into my "smaller" jeans comfortably
(one size smaller)
A: under 1400 calories a day
Crossfit M,W,F or BJJ/CF W,F
Treadmill T,S
R: Yes
T: April 15 ( 23 days from today)
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ReplyDeleteWell we have arrived at the 3 week mark in the Paleo challenge. I hope everyone has started to see the advantages to eating healty I know I have!
ReplyDeleteMy stats are:
Week 1
Fight Gone Bad:359
Week 3
Fight Gone Bad:375 New PR!
I would like to say for those of you who dont post your results, you should.
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased with what I have seen in everyone so far. Blanca, Robin - great job! Scott, the abs are kicking in - NICE! Dan, you may feel like your not getting enough, but if people are noticing and it took 3 of em to wear you down - hmmmm. Donny - gotta love the weight loss, and you eat MEAT! Dimitri - we noticed the pounds right away, sure the inches followed. Chris - awesome job, and did FGB with rx'd weight today. Chandler, didn't say anyhting today, but you are shredded you and Mel are a poster child for the Paleo diet. AMAZING JOB TO YOU ALL!
ReplyDeleteHi all, I just wanted to mention that I recently learned the value of Rest & Recovery.
Before vacation, I was doing CrossFit on Monday and Jiu-Jitsu & CrossFit on Wednesday,Friday, but I was not honoring the sleep cycle. Frankly, I was starting to feel pretty beat up, tired, and burnt out (mentally and physically). On vacation I had alot of activity in the ocean and I had alot of really deep sleep and pretty clean diet. My joints started to feel better and all my weird little muscle *tweaks* cleared up. The day after I returned from Hawaii, My Fight Gone Bad score improved by 17, but most importantly I felt very strong, totally repaired, and mentally relaxed and ready. Vacation showed me that I wasn't supporting my Recovery with the same thought process or care that I was investing in the WODs.
Now, I'm trying to have some discipline for Recovery too. To carve out the appropriate amount of time for sleep to promote Recovery is difficult, but now I respect how important it really is.
So, I just wanted to remind *us all* to respect and discipline ourselves through the whole cycle of Work and Recovery. Alena, I'm not going to name any names. :)
Drive on, Team !!
Jerad 's Paleo Pizza
ReplyDeleteSo none of these are measured, I was just guessing because of the size of the pan I used. 2 parts macadamia nuts to 1 part walnuts, chopped in a food processor because of the macadamia nuts, this will be a paste, and will hold together pretty well.
Almost like a cookie dough. spread nut mixture into greased cookie sheet or pizza pan and place in preheated oven on 375, and bake just nut mixture for 20 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from oven. Take spaghetti or pizza sauce and distribute evenly over "crust" because the nuts are not cohesive like dough, it will slightly pull apart as you are spreading the sauce. Add other pizza ingredients over sauce as desired, I used Mozzarella cheese, turkey pepperoni, low sodium bacon, garlic, and onions Bake entire pizza for 15 minutes @ 375let cool, slice with pizza slicer or knife eat with a fork and enjoy. honestly, I thought this could turn out really bad, but it turned out to be completely delicious and a very nice alternative. This is something I would eat while not on a diet. post what other variations and ingredients you used.
Sam's Paleo Pizza (Alena's version from last night) Chicken breast - hammer out with flat end of meat tenderizer to a nice thin piece of chicken. Spary both sides with a light coat of olive oil spray. Place in the broiler - about a minute on each side. (keeps the chicken moist) Pull out of broiler, heat oven to 400 degrees. Place toppings of your chouce on the "pizza crust" - I made 4 different ones, with marinara sauce, turkey pepperoni and cheese as one. Another was bbq sauce, squash, garlic, mushrooms, and cheese. A marinara sauce, turkey pepperoni, mushrooms, and cheese as another. And the last was bbq sauce, turkey pepperoni, garlic and cheese. Bake on 400 degrees for about 20 minutes. Delicious!!!
Quiche - (Sam told me her version I changed it a little) Crust:Almond meal and egg whites - did not measure this, so just make a nice dough/paste.Sprayed glass baking dish with olive oil spray, placed dough in dish in about a 1/4 inch level around the bottom, baked in the oven on 400 degrees (made right after paleo pizza) for about 15 mins, pull it out make sure still moist, but not sticky to your hands gooey. Insides:Squash, garlic, and mushrooms - cut up small pieces, sauteed in a pan with butter first.Turkey - I took pre cut turkey breast strips, lightly cooked (no pink)Eggs - 5 whole eggs, 1 cup of egg whites. Mixed all the ingredients together, placed in glass baking dish on top of baked almond crust - cooked for about 20-25 minutes - until the insides are done. Added a light coat of cheese on top for good measure. :-) Had it for breakfast today, and it was really good!
Wow, that quiche sounds Really, Really good.
ReplyDeleteI posted this goal ~23 days ago and I hit it yesterday. I got out my one size smaller jeans and they fit. Also, I'm pretty sure they were clean (as in, they were fresh from the dryer not already stretched out). So, I leave for my best friend's wedding on Thursday and then when I return on Tuesday I will have to implement SMART GOAL #3. In addition I also bought some UnderArmour clothes yesterday and I didn't have to buy X-Large. That was really cool.
ReplyDeleteThis was SMART GOAL #2:::::::::::::::
S: Be trimmer for Best Friend's wedding
M: Fit into my "smaller" jeans comfortably
(one size smaller)
A: under 1400 calories a day
Crossfit M,W,F or BJJ/CF W,F
Treadmill T,S
R: Yes
T: April 15 ( 23 days from today)
I'm curious how everyone else is doing?
ReplyDeleteI know it's alot of pressure to post all your info, but how about everybody post just one small thing that you're doing right or that you're happy about? For example, my one single thing I am most happy about is "I have been coming regularly to the gym for 2 months this week and I am proud of that." See, it's easy. One sentence, done.
We all can't be doing everything perfectly, but I'm sure we've all changed at least one small thing in the right direction. Share it, We wanna hear about it. :)
So far I see Chandler's stats showing that he is losing inches while maintaining strength and weight and that is one of his goals so ROCK ON CHANDLER!!!!
Nichoel's confession (3/23) that she's cheating on Paleo but eating alot healthier than she used to is EXACTLY where I am at. I'm not doing strict Paleo, but I am eating MUCH better quality and a more appropriate quantity. So, I hear ya Nichoel and yay for us for changing one aspect positively!!
We're all changing; some in small ways and some in bigger ways, but we are DEFINITELY CHANGING. Over time this all adds up to big changes for us all. We're lucky to find a good group of folks that we want to keep showing up, keep working.
THANK YOU ALL FOR DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. We're all in this together and we'll all get there together. Don't forget to tell your buddy when you notice their arms are getting ripped (Maggie) or when their jeans look like they're gonna fall off (Harold) or when they look like they need a nap (Alena)JUST KIDDING!! But seriously, good teamwork guys.